Home Inspection

Apex Homeworks is a professional home inspection company dedicated to providing thorough and comprehensive evaluations of residential properties. With a team of highly skilled and certified inspectors, We aim to deliver exceptional service and reliable information to homeowners, buyers, and sellers.

Utilizing advanced tools and techniques, Apex Homeworks conducts detailed inspections of various components and systems within a home, including electrical, plumbing, HVAC, structural integrity, and more. Our meticulous approach ensures that no aspect of a property is overlooked, allowing clients to make informed decisions regarding their investment.

Our team at Apex Homeworks takes pride in their commitment to professionalism, integrity, and transparency. We prioritize client satisfaction by delivering accurate and concise reports that outline any existing issues, potential hazards, or areas that require attention or maintenance.

Whether it’s a pre-purchase inspection, pre-listing inspection, or general home maintenance assessment, Apex Homeworks strives to provide reliable insights and peace of mind to homeowners and prospective buyers alike. With their expertise and attention to detail, Apex Homeworks is a trusted partner in the process of assessing and understanding the condition of residential properties.

What Is Included In A Home Inspection?

  •  Structural Components Inspection
  • Foundation Inspection
  • Basement & Crawl Space Inspection
  • Attic, Ventilation, & Insulation Inspection
  • Grading & Drainage Inspection
  •  Driveways & Walkways Inspection
  •  Porch & Patio Inspection
  •  Exterior Inspection (cladding, eaves, fascias)
  •  Interior Inspection (floors, walls, ceilings, stairs)
  •  HVAC System Inspection
  •  Electrical System Inspection
  •  Plumbing System Inspection
  •  Built-in Appliance Inspection